Clinical Studio and Mat Pilates

Woollahra Physiotherapy offers Clinical Mat Pilates Classes taught by our Physiotherapists and Pilates Instructors ,focusing on musculoskeletal rehabilitation. We focus on improving mobility, core control, strength ,bone health , posture and flexibility. An important part of the rehabilitation is the prevention of injury and illness. Evidence based practice strongly recommends exercise for a preventing a large number of lifestyle conditions, including osteoarthritis .

We also offer small group Clinical Studio Pilates classes including Reformers , Cadillac, , Wunda Chair and other small equipment. The classes vary from 2-3 in a group . These classes are great for a more supervised approach particularly if you have specific injuries / conditions you want to work with the Physiotherapist / Pilates instructor .

To book an appointment online or for more information go to our website :

Phone :
(02) 9362 9765

Email : reception@woollahra